On view January 9 – February 15, 2017
Art reception on January 14th Saturday 6 – 8:30 pm
EBK Gallery [small works].
218 Pearl St.
Hartford, CT
My work is beautiful and ugly. People are often attracted to the aesthetics of an image or object that stimulates desire. Decorative objects are collected and exhibited in the home as status symbols of affluence and refinement. My work engages the viewer with its seemingly innocent decorative delight; yet upon closer examination the work challenges and questions our attraction by revealing darker truths. I explore the hidden cost inherent in most of what we find seductively attractive. My current series, Botanical Tyranny, Memento Mori, Insect Insurrection and Birds of Pray, reference classical nature illustration, Victorian silhouettes, wallpaper and prints as a critique of cultural history.
A dark undercurrent of “cultural reckoning” informs my series drawings and prints. Rooted in the tradition of botanical illustration, the silhouettes of seeming real plants and animals are in fact, carefully constructed from silhouettes of axes, scimitars, guns and grenades. Our measured gardens and cultivated civility are rooted in a history of violent conquest. While grenades may have replaced scimitars in our arsenals, the underlying theme remains. The beauty of our culture, like that all of those which preceded it, is but a mask for the ugliness of our own nature.
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Jane Rainwater received a Radius Emerging Artist Fellowship from The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Jane has exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the country.Jane Rainwater grew up in Westport, CT and currently lives in Andover, CT. She teaches art and design at several colleges and universities in Connecticut. She is also the owner of Rainwater Design. She holds a MFA from Lesley College of Art and Design, and a BFA from The Hartford Art School. Jane is the curator of the Dehn Gallery at MCC on Main in Manchester, CT
CV / Resume
EBK Gallery, Hartford, CT
Bioperversity, Clare Gallery, Hartford, CT
Botanical Tyranny, Mark Twain House and Museum
Digital Realms, Japanalia Walls, Hartford, CT
Memento Mori, Ningyo Editions, Boston. MA. Print published, catalog.
The Gold Show, Conrad Mallett Gallery, Hartford, CT, storefront Installation
Odd Lots, Photoworks Gallery, Hartford, CT, Digital Collage
Embodied Narratives, Artspace, Willimantic. CT
Violent Nature, The Dehn Gallery, Manchester, CT
Northeastern, New Britian Museum of American Art, new Britain, CT
Paper New England, Five Points Gallery, Torrington. CT
Transforming Violence, Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA
CT Women Artists, Hartford Fine Art, East Hartford, CT
Cut and Paste Collage Show, Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT
The Gun Show, Boston. MA
Take Aim, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Visible Reform, Good Question Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Forget Me Knots, Hygienic Gallery, New London, CT
Flower (RE) Power, Housatonic Museum of Art, Housatonic, CT
Botanical Dreams and Nightmares, Sacred Heart University, CT
Refurbished Means, Artspace, New Haven, CT
49th Annual Juried Show, Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT, Drawings. Award
Radius 11, Radius Artists, Aldrich Museum & Ridgefield Art Guild
My Yard Our Message, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, On-line competition.
Public voting, Top 20. http://www.myyardourmessage.com/signs/winning/
Media: Political Lawn Signs, vinyl
Pretty Things, Artspace, New Haven, CT, curated by Joy Pepe, stipend and catalogue.
Media: Storefront Installation with video
Building Consensus, Akus Gallery, Eastern CT State University, curated by Elizabeth Peterson, Catalogue, Media: Ink Drawings
Deliciously Disposable Earth, Three Rivers 937 Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA,
curated by Carolyn Loyola-Garcia. Stipend and Catalogue.
Media: 14K gold “Enslavement Bracelets.”
Contemporary Perspectives, ALL Gallery, New Haven, CT, curated by Howard Al-Yasin
Media: Gilded Lead Sculpture
Golden Pawnshop, Porter Square Gallery, Cambridge, MA. Catalogue.
Media: Storefront Installation and video
Interleaving, ALL Gallery, New Haven, CT, curated by Howard Al-Yasin.
Media: Gilded lead sculpture
2005 & 2007
Word Art II & WORD-ART III, (collaborations with poets.) Canton Gallery on the Green, Canton, CT, curated by Kent McCoy.
Media: Digital collage, and my poetry.
Modern Day Slavery Show, Godine Family Gallery, Boston, MA, curated by
Kassandra Derby. Mixed media.
Golden Opportunity, Ethical Metalsmiths, online (www.ethicalmetalsmiths.org) and
screened in Chicago & London, curated by Susan Kingsley. Mixed Media
Tenth Anniversary Show, Pearl Street Gallery, Hartford, CT, curated by Janice LaMotta
Media: Digital Collage
Jane Rainwater, The Promenade Gallery at The Bushnell, Hartford, CT, curated by Janice LaMotta.
Media: Digital Collage
2014-present Curator, Dehn Gallery, MCC on Main, 903 Main Street, Manchester, CT
2009 – ongoing Adjunct, Manchester Community College 2-D design
Eastern CT State University, Software instruction: Illustrator and In Design,
Intro to Digital for non-Art Majors, Magazine Design and Graphic Design.
2009-2011 Art Institute of Pittsburgh on-line, 2D design, Advanced Computer Graphics
2008 Adjunct, University of New Haven, Type II and Graphic Design II
Full time Sabbatical Northwestern CT Community College, Full time
Replacement Professor of Graphic Design, Graphic Design 1, two sections
Director of Founder’s Hall Gallery, Student advisor (45 students),
MAC Lab Director
Full time Sabbatical Hartford Art School, Hartford, CT, Full time
Replacement 2001-2 Foundations for Freshman, Typography I & II, Graphic Design III
2007 Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT, Adjunct
Digital Illustration (Adobe Illustrator), Digital Design (Adobe InDesign)
2004-2008 Manchester Community College, Manchester, CT, Adjunct
Graphic Design I & 11, and Two-Dimensional Design
2003 Great Path Academy Magnet School, Manchester, CT, Adjunct
Graphic Design, Publication Design, 2D design
1986-87 Hartford Art School, Hartford, CT, Adjunct
Graphic Design I, II & III
Guest Speaker: Plexus Institute, Artspace Gallery, Manchester Community
College, Greater Hartford Arts Council, Hartford Art School, Purnell School,
International Association of Business Communicators, CT Art Director’s Club.
F. A., Visual Arts, Art Institute of Boston, MA
F. A., Printmaking, Hartford Art School, Hartford, CT
Study with Milton Glaser, Graphic Design, School of Visual Arts, NYC
Study with Patricia Miranda, Illuminated Manuscript Painting, Truro, MA
Graduate Mentorships with Peter Waite, Barbara Bloom, and Richard Klein