On view April 27 – May 10, 2015
EBK Gallery [small works].
218 Pearl St.
Hartford, CT
The Transcript paintings were inspired by the questions of intellectual property that arose with the New York circuit court in the case of Patrick Cariou vs. Richard Prince & Gagosian Gallery. As I was thinking and writing about the interaction between appropriation and artistic practice I was struck that most theory or criticism would fall into clichéd arguments about money or laziness, and avoided addressing the aesthetic and conceptual issues underlying the art. The transcript of Prince’s testimony, originally compiled and published by Greg Allen, gave me a way to play with these ideas in paint rather than print.
In reading the testimony I noted that the entire transcript took six videotapes to record, and was struck by the serendipity that I happened to have six aluminum panels leaning against the studio wall in search of a subject. In addition to the playful conundrum of appropriating from Prince with text from a public record, I wanted to see how I could generate new work from these words that fit within my own interests as a painter. Each painting started with the transcript page where the videographer interrupts the proceedings to note the tape change. I started by writing out sections of the text with a marker and then building the composition out of the layers of stenciled letterforms and the shapes the text blocks delineated. Through repeated erasure and revision the composition evolved to a point where the text, while legible, functions as an aesthetic element in the painting, rather than something to merely read. The goal is a painting that utilizes appropriated text to function as a fully realized abstraction.
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Selected Writings from Brian Dupont
What Appropriation Means to Me and Mine (click here)
‘Out of Time’ essays (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
‘On Copyright’ essays (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
CV / Resume
Brian Dupont
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York — M.F.A., Painting, May 2000
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri — B.F.A., Painting, May 1996
Solo and Two Person Exhibitions:
- “Notes, References, and Miscellaneous Debris.” Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD. November 13 – December 28, 2014.
- “Appropriated Texts.” Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, Maryland – March–April 2013
- “Source Material: Paintings by Brian Dupont and Chris Rusak.” Skydive Art Space, Houston, Texas. May 17 – June 16, 2012.
- “Gravity and Array”, The Soapbox Gallery, Brooklyn, New York – May 2010
- “The Remaindered Set,” The Scene Gallery, New York, New York — June 2001
- “Dietrologia,” Olive Tjaden Hall Gallery, Cornell University — March 2000
- “Brian Dupont Paintings,” Olive Tjaden Hall Gallery, Cornell University —
September 1999 - “Paintings for Wigner’s Friend,” Kansas City Art Institute Gallery — April–May 1996
Group Exhibitions:
- “Ley Lines.” University of Wyoming Art Museum, opening January 31, 2015. Reception February 13, 2015.
- “Challenging the Law Without Infringing the Law.” Glitch Gallery, Charlestown, MA. September 20 — October, 2014.
- “Paris Pop Up.” Galerie du Haut Pavee 3 Quai de Montebello, 75005 Paris, France. July 11 – 13, 2014.
- “Brooklyn Boys Go Bowling.” Theodore Art. Brooklyn, New York — January 3–February 16, 2013
- “Page 179, Artforum, September 2013.” Brennan & Griffin. New York, New York — December 15–January 19, 2013
- “There’s Nothing Like Painting.” Curated by Victor Kord at 490 Atlantic gallery, Brooklyn, New York — November 1–December 7, 2013
- “Notorious.” Theodore Art. Brooklyn, New York — June 22–August 4, 2013
- “Worth Telling.” Curated by Linda Griggs and Erik Sanner: Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center, New York City, New York — August 30–September 11, 2012
- “From Honolulu, Queens, Logan Circle, Chicago, Sierra Leone, Brooklyn, and New Jersey With Love.” Adah Rose Gallery, Kennsington, MD. June 20 – July 22, 2012.
- “I Am the Judge, I Am the Jury: Rebellion & Empowerment In Contemporary Art.” Kianga Ellis Projects, Brooklyn, New York. December 28, 2011 – January 1, 2012.
- “Personal. Spaces.” Crossing Art Gallery in conjunction with Curate NYC. Flushing, New York. December 10 – 31, 2011.
- “Exhibits”, Kianga Ellis Projects, Santa Fe, NM – June – August 2011
- “Presents: Three Months of Mail Art for Hyperallergic”, Hyperallergic, New York, New York – June 2011
- “Read All Over”, ByStander, Los Angeles, CA – February – March 2011
- “Proof of Purchase”, Samsøn, Boston, MA – October 2010
- “To the Edge,” BWAC Gallery, Brooklyn, New York – June – August 2009
- “The Raandesk Launch,” New York, New York — February 2006
- “The Scene Gallery Exhibits,” Scope Art Fair, New York, New York — March 2004
- “Young Talent Show,” Washington Depot, Connecticut — January 2001
- “In Flux,” West End Gallery, Houston, Texas — June–July 2000
- “In Flux,” West End Gallery, Houston, Texas — July–August 1999
- “Really Red,” West End Gallery, Houston, Texas — June–July 1997
- “The Pretty Big Show,” Dirt Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri — January–February 1997
- “White is Beautiful: The White Show,” Gallery V, Kansas City, Missouri —
December 1996–January 1997 - “The Summer Break Show,” West End Gallery, Houston, Texas — July–August 1995
Curatorial Projects:
- “Residue: Sharon Butler, Steven Charles, Michael Callaghan, J.D. Hastings and Toni Tiller” Adah Rose Gallery, Kensington, MD. – January 2 – February 4 2014.
- “Residues.” Extra Gallery New York City, New York – October 6 – November 1 2012.
- “(Not) Plain Sight: The Paintings of Joanie Gagnon San Chirico.” Extra Gallery New York City, New York – April 5 – May 1 2012.
- “While You Wait: Greg Allen, Laura Isaac, Laelia Mitchell, Christopher Moss, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, and Jason Varone on the Art of the Lobby,” curated by Brian Dupont. Extra Gallery NYC, NY – October 6 – November 8 2011.
Press and Online Projects:
- Lauren Landau, WAMU 88.5 FM, ‘Art Beat with Lauren Landau’ http://wamu.org/programs/art_beat/14/11/25/art_beat_with_lauren_landau_nov_25 November 25, 2014
- Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, ‘Art Exhibits Make Going to the Office Easier’ http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/museums/2014/12/18/9785a83c-8475-11e4-a702-fa31ff4ae98e_story.html December 19, 2014
- Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint.com, ‘Pulsing Pulse, 2014 New York Edition’ http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2014/05/pulsing-pulse-2014-new-york-edition.html May 13, 2014
- Robert Boyd, The Great God Pan is Dead.com: ‘In New York for the Fairs day 1: Cutlog, Pulse and Select (possibly NSFW)’ http://www.thegreatgodpanisdead.com/2014/05/in-new-york-for-fairs-day-1-cutlog.html May 13, 2014
- Michael O’Sullivan, Washington Post. “Art Review: ‘Residue’ at Adah Rose Gallery.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/goingoutguide/museums/art-review-residue-at-ada-rose-gallery/2014/01/16/24de61d2-7a14-11e3-8963-b4b654bcc9b2_story.html January 16, 2014.
- Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint.com, ‘Masking Strategies: Residue in DC’ http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2014/01/masking-strategies-residue-in-dc.html
- Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint.com, ‘Idiosyncratic Rule in Brooklyn’ http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2014/01/idiosyncratic-rule-in-brooklyn.html
- Robert Boyd, The Great God Pan is Dead.com: ‘Big Five Oh, Part 4: Pulse” http://www.thegreatgodpanisdead.com/2013/05/big-five-oh-part-4-pulse.html May 29, 2013.
- L. Hix.com: Inquire project. ‘Brian Dupont and Yahia Lababidi (part 2)’: http://031454a.netsolhost.com/inquire/2013/02/15/yahia-lababidi-and-brian-dupont/
- Sharon Butler at Two Coats of Paint.com: ‘Brian Dupont’s Square Texts.’ http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2012/12/brian-duponts-square-texts.html December 23, 2012.
- Joanie Gagnon San Chirico, Art for Public (and Private) Spaces: ‘Five Miles of Art.’ http://joaniesanchirico.blogspot.com/2012/10/five-miles-of-art.html October 12, 2012.
- Meredith Deliso, Houston Press.com: ‘Skydive’s Odd Couple Play Well Together’ http://blogs.houstonpress.com/artattack/2012/05/skydive_gallery_art_brian_dupo.php?ref=navigatio May 31, 2012.
- Terry Greene at Terry Green Painting.com, ‘Mail Art Exchange’ http://terrygreenepainting.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/mail-art-exchange/ January 15, 2012.
- Joanie Gagnon San Chirico, Art for Public (and Private) Spaces: ‘October Gallery and Museum Visits – Part 2’:
- Greg Allen, Greg.org: ‘Untitled [Extra Street View]: http://greg.org/archive/2011/10/06/untitled_extra_street_view.html October 6, 2011.
- Greg Allen, Greg.org: ‘Extra Street View’: http://greg.org/archive/2011/10/05/extra_street_view.html October 5, 2011.
- http://joaniesanchirico.blogspot.com/2011/10/october-gallery-and-museum-visits-part_26.html. October 26, 2011.
- Joy Garnett, News Grist: “I didn’t speak up when they came for the appropriationists…” : http://newsgrist.typepad.com/underbelly/2011/04/brian-dupont-artists-texts-what-appropriation-means-to-me-and-mine.htm
- Lucas Iberico Lozada, Santa Fe Reporterer: ‘L’Art Pour L’Tweet’: http://www.sfreporter.com/santafe/article-6192-lrsart-pour-lrstweet.html June 18, 2011
- Greg Allen, Greg.org: “Richard Serra Drawings: The Making Of.”: http://greg.org/archive/2011/04/18/richard_serra_drawings_the_making_of.html
- Hrag Vartanian, Hyperallergic.com: ‘Mail Art Bulliten: Information Distortion Field’: http://hyperallergic.com/25349/brian-dupont-mail/ May 27, 2011.
- Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint.com: Tyler Green’s “Art Madness” Prompts Outrage in the Art Community.
- Part 1: http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2011/03/tyler-greens-art-madness-promts-outrage.html
- Part 2, Alternate “Art Madness” Lists: http://www.twocoatsofpaint.com/2011/03/part-ii-alternate-art-madness-lists.html
- Chris Rusak: Text. ‘Postcard Construction #15 by Brian Dupont’: http://text.chrisrusak.com/2011/05/23/postcard-construction-15-by-brian-dupont/
- Kianga Ellis: ‘Brian Dupont Takes Us From Systems War to Specific Objects’: http://kiangaellis.posterous.com/kiangas-vlog-bdpnt-takes-us-from-systems-warhttp://kiangaellisprojects.com/artwork/2046217_Brian_Dupont_in_Studio.html
- Sarah Schmerler.com: ‘Jerry Saltz Stole My Focus at @Class.’ http://www.sarahschmerler.com/uncategorized/jerry-saltz-stole-my-focus-hashtagclass-he-wrote-an-artists-statement-faster-than-i-did/
Selected Writings, Excerpts, and Online Projects:
- Big, Red & Shiny (Vol 2, Issue 8): ‘What 101 Spring Street Means to Me.’ http://www.bigredandshiny.com/cgi-bin/BRS.cgi?section=article&issue=143&article=2013-02-28-203911683376586919 May 20, 2013.
- Idiom: ’Dividing Line: Wendy White at Leo Koenig.’ http://idiommag.com/2012/10/dividing-line-wendy-white-at-leo-koenig/ October 8, 2012.
- Idiom: ’Where I am Now: In Conversation with Peter Soriano.’ http://idiommag.com/2012/09/where-i-am-now-in-conversation-with-peter-soriano/ September 11, 2012.
- Idiom: ‘On Site: Serra at the Met and the Menil.’ http://idiommag.com/2012/06/on-site-serra-at-the-met-and-the-menil/
June 19, 2012. - Idiom: ‘Playing Out the String.’ http://idiommag.com/2012/04/playing-out-the-string/ April 10, 2012.
- Idiom: ‘A Painter’s Painter’s Paintings: Bill Jensen at Cheim and Reade.’ http://idiommag.com/2012/02/a-painters-painters-paintings-bill-jensen-at-cheim-and-read/ Feburary 27, 2012
- Idiom: ‘Byron Kim’s Night: Sealing of the Wonder of the Sublime.’ http://idiommag.com/2011/12/byron-kims-night-sealing-off-the-wonder-of-the-sublime/ December 21, 2011.
- L. Hix.com: Inquire project. ‘Brian Dupont and Yahia Lababidi’: http://031454a.netsolhost.com/inquire/2011/05/17/brian-dupont-and-yahia-lababidi/
- L. Hix.com: Inquire project. ‘Rita Wong responds to Brian Dupont’: http://031454a.netsolhost.com/inquire/2011/08/13/brian-dupont-and-rita-wong/http://031454a.netsolhost.com/inquire/2011/08/13/brian-dupont-and-rita-wong/
- INSIGHT Vol IV, Issue 1. Feburary 18, 2011: http://issuu.com/insightmagazine/docs/insight_v4i1_web
- Writings: “Artist’s Texts”: http://briandupont.wordpress.com/